Cosmetic Derm
Injectable Services
At Pinnacle Dermatology, we specialize in cosmetic injections for reducing facial wrinkles around the eyes, nose, mouth, and on the forehead.
We also offer the most advanced techniques in dermal filler injections for: lip, chin, and cheek augmentation or contouring, nasolabial folds and many other procedures that can add volume and give you an instant more youthful appearance.
Dysport – Blocks nerve activity in the muscles, causing a temporary reduction in muscle activity fine lines and wrinkle
Restylane Silk – Specifically to for rejuvenation of the lips and lines around the mouth
Restylane-L – It’s used to add volume and fullness to the skin to correct moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth.
Restylane Lyft – It’s used to correct volume loss and treat wrinkles in the face. Restylane Lyft is the first and only FDA-approved filler indicated to provide lift to cheeks and add volume to correct and smooth smile lines
Laser Services
•Hair Removal • Scar Treatment
•Skin Renewal • Skin Resurfacing
•Skin Revitalization • Stretch Mark
• Indicated for hair removal and permanent hair reduction • Fast and effective laser hair removal • Safe for all skin types • Uses the Skintel Melanin Reader for safe and optimized results tailored to patient’s individualized skin type, lifestyle, and ethnicity

“They aren’t looking at you like a dollar sign or a source of income but as a human being. They take their time with you. ”